Sunday, January 18, 2009

Music Saves Your Mortal Soul

How do you express the feeling of being in the middle of National Monuments, Amazing Musicians and Entertainers and 1million of your newest friends? PRICELESS. If you didn't catch the HBO broadcast of the WE ARE ONE concert today, find a way to see it now.

The three of us left our hotel by 10am for the 2:30 pm concert. After getting lost, again, driving to the Metro Station, separating from my mother to score a good location for the three of us, and walking three miles to claim our square foot of hard, dusty ground. We were ready for the time of our lives....

EXCEPT for the throngs of people who too were looking for a space and stepping on or over us;

standing in line for 1.5 hours to buy food and hot chocolate;

and losing your 12 year old daughter in the process.

YES - parental figures and concerned others. Gone. Vanished in a crowd of a MILLION!

Don't panic - I told myself...I met two women who were near our location and we were near the Reflection Pond directly across the port-a-potties and that tree...or was it that tree. OK - don't panic.
After thirty minutes of searching and having the scalding hot chocolate become a nice lukewarm, I found her. Now let me tell you why I had to write this story: in those 3o minutes I had the BEST moment of the day occur.
Sixty or more complete strangers began to yell a beautiful chorus of "CAMILLE" to help me find her. A small chant went up into the air to help a worried mother. It was so moving - the effort that they made - I knew I would find her in the masses. I can also guarantee that not another person outside of Obama and the performers had their name chanted by so many people at the event.
*FYI - No I couldn't call Camille because she lost her cell phone Day 1 in DC and my mom was ushered into the disability section of the concert.

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